
Latücht | 17.10. | 20:00

WETTBEWERB 6 - Abgekoppelt I COMPETITION 6 - Disconnected

Realms | Valtakunnat

Finland, 2018, 19‘38‘‘, no dialogue

Realms takes us from the dark water worlds of the primeval ocean to a post-apocalyptic present. Only the skeleton is left of a once floating boat, the sea is reduced to a pond and the fish lie dead next to plastic garbage. The signs of civilization are still there, but man seems to have disappeared, and nature slowly takes over the creation of the landscape again. A cinematic journey from the history of creation to a lost paradise, oscillating between meditative tableau-like images and vanitas still lifes.

Director, Screenplay: Patrik Söderlund
Cinematography: Jussi Eerola
Editor: Jussi Eerola, Mika Taanila
Music, Sound: Max Savikangas