
Latücht | 18.10. | 20:00

WETTBEWERB 9: Familienbande | COMPETITION 9: family ties


Germany, 2019, 5’28, English | no subtitles

The film depicts thoughts and feelings of a mother with her son who lives with Trisomy 21, a so-called mental disability. While she moves with him through everyday life, her ambivalent feelings, her struggles to accept him as he is, get into her way. The story is told as an associative montage of scenes, following feelings and experiences of the mother as we listen to her inner monologue. An autobiographical story about the conflict of a mother and her feelings of love, connection, self-pity and denial for her disabled son.

Director, Writer, Animation, Layout: Anne-Christine Plate
Compositing: Jan Mildner
Editor: Stefan Urlass
Sound: Jana Irmert

Contact: festival(at)ag-animationsfilm.de

All Films from Competition