At Any Price

Latücht l 17.10. l 17:00

WETTBEWERB 5 – Hyper, hyper l COMPETITION 5 – Hyper, hyper

At Any Price l A Tout Prix

France, 2019, 4‘, French l English subtitles

An auction is in full swing. Those who are willing to buy are already sweating, but when the most interesting exhibit is auctioned off, an amazing transformation happens. How far we go when we think we can get everything, and what we look like while doing so, is skillfully demonstrated here. The short film depicts a sophisticated description of today’s stereotypes and is a feast for the eyes par excellence.

Director: Alexia Merré
Cinematography: Virginie De Almeida
Editor: Jérémy Bonnet
Protagonists: Christophe Hamon, Sterenn Crec'hriou, Eric Monteil, Fleur Monharoul and others

Contact: alexia.merre(at)