Trapped in a city of a thousend mountains

WETTBEWERB 5: Hyper, hyper | COMPETITION 5: Hyper, hyper

Trapped in the City of a Thousand Mountains

The Netherlands/China, 2018, 22‘28‘‘, Chinese / English subtitles

In the Chinese metropolis of Chongqing, the "Mountain City", which visually reminds us of the Los Angeles in the science fiction epos Blade Runner, an active rapper scene has formed. With the popularity of their music, which is widely distributed via the Internet, rappers come into conflict with state censorship and fight for freedom of expression. This is not an easy undertaking in a city of 30 million people, where a surveillance camera is installed on every street corner and the desired behaviour is communicated to the population via loudspeakers every day. Director David Verbeek portrays several protagonists of the Chinese hip-hop culture in atmospheric images.

Director, Cinematography, Editor: David Verbeek
Music, Sound: Quincy Vlijtig
Sound Recording: David Verbeek, Prisca van der Mullen
Producer: Jos de Putter / Deep Focus WebDocs

Contact: Jos De Putter / Deep Focus WebDocs, jos(at)